Pletronics公司一直是频率控制和定时产品市场的创新者。晶体、振荡器、(VC)TCXO、GPS模块、OCXO和迷你烤箱的产品套件提供从初始设计到生产的解决方案和支持,以适应各种应用。Pletronics为Cardinal Components和Isotemp品牌提供动力,作为一个集团,我们的使命是通过在整个应用生命周期内为频率控制产品和RF技术解决方案提供一流的质量、服务和协作支持,帮助客户在其细分市场中取得优势。
Pletronics晶振公司投资于石英晶体技术,为那些需要频率控制设备的用户提供最新的大批量产品。Pletronics成立了合资企业和子公司,以提供最高频率、最高质量的零件。Pletronics,Inc .致力于通过提高产量、降低成本、提高客户满意度和满足员工对培训、安全和士气的期望来持续提高质量。
Pletronics SM22K/33K/44K 32.768KHz CMOS晶体振荡器系列的精度和功率效率
在便携式、可穿戴和电池驱动设备不断发展的格局中,对紧凑、节能组件的需求从未如此之大。Pletronics SM22K/SM33K/SM44K 32.768KHz CMOS石英晶体振荡器系列以其多样化的封装尺寸阵容、出色的频率稳定性和显著的低功耗而成为精度的灯塔。本文探讨了该系列的关键特性,强调了它作为现代电子应用的高级实时时钟参考的作用。
该系列的精确频率稳定性和低功耗使其成为现代电子中实时时钟参考的绝佳选择。从健身追踪器和智能手表到物联网设备和医疗监视器,实时时钟对于保持准确的计时至关重要。SM22K/33K/44K 32.768K CMOS石英晶体振荡器系列确保这些设备能够精确工作,同时最大限度地延长电池寿命。
总之,有源晶振SM22K/SM33K/SM44K 32.768KHz CMOS晶体振荡器系列在便携式、可穿戴和电池操作设备的精确计时领域脱颖而出。其多样化的封装尺寸阵容、出色的频率稳定性和低功耗使其成为设计工程师为其尖端应用寻找顶级组件的绝佳选择。随着技术的不断进步,该振荡器系列为各个行业的更可靠、更节能的电子设备铺平了道路。
Unveiling the Precision and Power-Efficiency of the Pletronics SM22K/33K/44K 32.768KHz CMOS Crystal Oscillator Series
In the ever-evolving landscape of portable, wearable, and battery-operated devices, the demand for compact, energy-efficient components has never been greater. Pletronics SM22K/33K/44K 32.768KHz CMOS Crystal Oscillator series emerges as a beacon of precision, featuring a diverse package size lineup, outstanding frequency stability, and remarkably low power consumption. This article explores the key attributes of this series, emphasizing its role as a superior real-time clock reference for modern electronic applications.
1. Tiny Size (SM22K: 2.05 x 1.65mm)
The SM22K/33K/44K series boasts a versatile package size lineup, catering to the diverse needs of design engineers. Available in compact dimensions of 2.05 x 1.65mm, 2.5 x 2.0mm, and 3.2 x 2.5mm, these oscillators provide flexibility without compromising on performance. The range of package sizes ensures seamless integration into a wide array of applications, from tiny wearables to more substantial portable devices.
2. Excellent Frequency Stability (as good as ±20ppm for -40°C to 85°C)
At the heart of this oscillator series lies its exceptional frequency stability, setting new benchmarks in precision timekeeping. With frequency stability as low as ±20ppm, this series delivers unparalleled accuracy, ensuring reliable and consistent timekeeping in various operating conditions. This feature makes it an ideal choice for applications where precision is paramount, such as medical devices, industrial sensors, and communication equipment.
3. Low Power Consumption (Max Current Consumption: 35µA)
One of the defining characteristics of the 32.768KHz CMOS Crystal Oscillator series is its remarkably low power consumption. Operating with a maximum current consumption of just 35µA, these oscillators contribute significantly to the overall energy efficiency of electronic devices. This is particularly crucial for battery-operated and wearable devices, where power conservation directly impacts the device's lifespan and usability
Real-Time Clock Reference
The series' precise frequency stability and low power consumption make it an excellent choice as a real-time clock reference in modern electronics. Real-time clocks are critical for maintaining accurate timekeeping in applications ranging from fitness trackers and smartwatches to IoT devices and medical monitors. The SM22K/33K/44K 32.768KHz CMOS Crystal Oscillator series ensures that these devices can operate with precision while maximizing battery life.
In conclusion, the SM22K/33K/44K 32.768KHz CMOS Crystal Oscillator series stands out as a powerhouse in the realm of precision timekeeping for portable, wearable, and battery-operated devices. Its diverse package size lineup, outstanding frequency stability, and low power consumption make it a compelling choice for design engineers seeking top-notch components for their cutting-edge applications. As technology continues to advance, this oscillator series paves the way for more reliable and energy-efficient electronic devices across various industries.
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