- [行业资讯]About GEYER Innovative Development Production base 12.95104 3225 32.768K XO 50PP KXO-V96-182023年11月02日 17:34
GEYER品牌,12.95104有源晶振编码,KXO-V96-18型号3225 32.768K XO晶振About GEYER Innovative Development Production base 12.95104 3225 32.768K XO 50PP KXO-V96-18
GEYER crystal oscillator 有源晶振32.768Kproduction base
Our quartz crystals and oscillators are primarily produced at our plant in Taiwan.
The production area is more than 2,000 square meters, and the production capacity is about 750,000 pieces per month.
- 阅读(1161)
- 1Golledge英国高利奇MP08012 GXO-7506L/A 7050 24M XO有源晶振
- 2Q 0.032768-JTX210-12.5-20-T1-LF 2012 32.768K德国Jauch晶振
- 3Jauch温度补偿振荡器O 26,0-JT22S-B-K-3,3-LF 2520 26M TCXO晶振削峰正弦波
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- 8O 25,0-JT33-B-K-3,3-LF 3225 25M TCXO削峰正弦波Jauch温补晶振
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